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Nihal Krishan is a CFR Fellow reporting on Tech Policy for The Hindu and conducting research for CSDR in New Delhi in 2024. He was previously a Tech Reporter for FedScoop & CyberScoop, the Washington Examiner and Mother Jones. Earlier in his career, he covered national politics with a focus on economic policy and campaign finance. His work has been published in the Boston Globe, USA TODAY, the Huffington Post, the Arizona Republic, and he’s appeared on NPR, SiriusXM, and PBS Arizona.

A graduate of Arizona State University's Walter Cronkite School for Journalism, he learned to love biking and backpacking in the southwest. Krishan is a TCK who grew up in South Korea, Saudi Arabia, India, and Singapore.

You can email him at nihalkrishan9@gmail.com

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Subscribe to Nihal Krishan, The Hindu

My award-winning reporting on the cutting edge of tech policy including exploding issues like AI policy, data privacy, cybersecurity, misinfo/disinfo, content moderation and more. I report on Tech Policy for The Hindu and research for CSDR in New Delhi.


CFR Scholar reporting on Tech Policy in India for The Hindu and CSDR in New Delhi. Twitter: https://twitter.com/NihalKrishan Read all my stories here: https://www.thehindu.com/profile/author/Nihal-Krishan-21812/